Your user name and password are not defined

Your user name and password are not defined

If you get message 'Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login'

It appears that screen 'Alternate Database User' has been amended.

You should note that this screen has nothing to do with adding new Ostendo Users but allows an Administrator to specify a FIREBIRD Username and Password if it is to be different from the Firebird standard. Ostendo will then use this Username / Password for automatic access to the Firebird Database.  This prevents other users from going 'behind the sceens' to get at the Ostendo Data.  

If you have done the above in error then it can be removed as follows

    Go into the Ostendo Folder (Example....C:\Program Files\Ostendo)    Locate file compdef.dat    Delete it

If you were attempting to create a new Ostendo User then you should use screen File>System Configuration>User Security and Options


Ostendo, by default, uses the Firebird base Username/Password (SYSDBA/masterkey).  However, instances have been known where non-admin users know this and have got into the database via the back end.  To prevent this the Administrator CAN amend this Ostendo  Username’password.  However this action also requires amending the default Username and password in Firebird.

You will need to download free software to change this in Firebird (this is NOT and Ostendo process)

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