Use Assembly Planned Cost For Issue

Use Assembly Planned Cost For Issue

This constant allows you to control the Actual Issue Cost of a Descriptor on an Assembly Order. By default Ostendo issues descriptors using the Buy Price value. This constant allows you to issue the Descriptor at the Assembly Line Planned Cost instead.

NB: Any Purchase Invoices (with a Style of "Invoice Only") posted directly to the Assembly Order will be posted at the Actual Purchase Invoice Cost. Further to this, this rule will only apply to Assembly Order Lines where the Planned Qty is Zero. 

Constant Name: Use Assembly Planned Cost For Issue
Constant Type: Yes/No
Yes (True)
Ostendo will use the Assembly Order Line Planned Cost as the Actual Issue Cost for Descriptors
No (False)
Ostendo will use the Buy Price as the Actual Issue Cost for Descriptors (NB: This is default behavior even if this constant is not defined)