File->System Settings->Environment Settings (tab)->Activate Screen Logging
Ostendo allows you to trap user activity and habits enabling you to design Workflows and other tools to assist users in areas they are repetitively accessing within Ostendo.
Current records can be displayed via General->Inquiries->Inquiry - Screen Logging
eg: How often and when a user accesses the Job Orders screen or how many times a user runs a report.
Whilst this information is useful in the early days of an implementation, you should remember there are numerous records being created in the associated table in the database. Leaving this setting on can dramatically impact on the size of the database as time goes on. Therefore you should consider purging records from the SCREENLOGGING table on a regular basis if this setting is left turned on for a period of time. NB: Turning off this setting simply means that no more records will be logged, however previous records will remain.
The SQL below will enable you to determine the number of records in this table:
Select Count(sysuniqueid) from screenlogging
For a more accurate assessment of the storage implications of this, we suggest you refer to the article
If you do intend to delete records from this table (using SQL), you should always create a Backup of the database first and then perform a Firebird Validation / Backup and Restore after the deletion. We suggest if you are not confident with SQL, that you enlist the services of a Developer Partner to provide you with an appropriate script to delete unwanted Logging records.