Reckon Link Performance

Reckon Link Performance

There are a number of things that can affect the performance of the QuickBooks (Reckon) Ostendo Link program posting to Reckon.

NB: Development-X are not Reckon experts, however this information has been shared from existing Reckon consultants who are familiar with it. We encourage you contact a qualified Reckon consultant and work with them on these checks before anything is changed.


Check the following:

1) From within Reckon Utilities menu, ensure file hosting option is only turned on for Reckon on the Server. (ie: Ensure all client machines with Reckon do not have that option turned on)

2) From within Reckon press CTRL 1 and display the current status of the Reckon database

3) If the Disk Fragments value is greater than 10, you should create a Portable Backup and Restore it, then re-check this value. You may have to do this a few times in order to get this fragmentation value down to a size less than 10

4) Check the number of List entries. Whilst you cannot control this, any with a value greater than 15000 will cause performance degradation. Along with other factors eg: files size etc, you may consider creating a new Reckon database file as there is no 'bullet proof' routine in Reckon that allows you to purge data in order to reduce the size of the datafile.

5) Check the size of the TWG file (in the same location as the Reckon Database). If this file is large, you should perform a verification and rebuild of the file. If the are no errors in this process, you can rename this file as it will be re-created and start building afresh next time Reckon is accessed. (This file is used for restoration if the database is corrupted).

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