Sometimes it can be useful to conduct a speed test in order to benchmark read / write speed in a database. This is useful when attempting to diagnose a performance problem on a specific database within different environments. By running the speed test within the current environment and then running the same test on the same database outside of that environment you maybe able to determine that the problem is associated with a resourcing issue within the current environment and is therefore not something associated with the database itself.
This simple speed test inserts 500 item records and displays the elapsed time taken. It then deletes those records and displays the elapsed time taken to perform this process.
It should be noted, that deletions of records always take longer that inserts, so both time will vary.
By copying the database to your own machine eliminates the current environment. Be aware that the spec of the machines (eg: Ram, Disk type (SSD etc) will affect performance, so this must be taken into account when comparing results.
This speed test in in the form of a Command script.