Ostendo User Rules - Custom Procedures Controlling Sales Order Pricing and Discounts

Ostendo User Rules - Custom Procedures Controlling Sales Order Pricing and Discounts


Within Ostendo, we have built in some specific Stored Procedures within the database that allow technical users to include logic that maybe required specific to a sites requirements.

These Stored Procedures are always called within Ostendo and by default will always return standard output parameters that control the standard behaviour within Ostendo logic relevant to that Stored Procedure.

If these Stored Procedures are modified to include your own specific logic, they will in effect override the standard Ostendo behaviour.

These Stored Procedures are able to be used in scripting or to control discount and pricing behaviour in Ostendo order / invoicing screens.

UserRules Stored Procedures:


This procedure allows for User specific Discount Logic when order or invoice lines are inserted or updated

There 2 output parameters - the first is either 0 or 1 dependant on whether a discount is being passed back or not (Defaults to 0  - Std Ostendo behaviour)

The second parameter returns the actual discount percent (Defaults to 0)


This procedure allows for User specific Order Pricing Logic

There 2 output parameters - the first is either 0 or 1 (0 = Don’t run the Standard Order Pricing Logic & 1 = Run the Standard Order Pricing Logic (Defaults to 1 – standard Ostendo behaviour)

The second parameter determines whether the Order/Invoice lines grid needs to be refreshed


This procedure allows for User specific Pricing Logic when order or invoice lines are inserted or updated

The Input parameter PASSEDDESCRIPTORORITEM is either 'Descriptor Code' or 'Item Code'

There 3 output parameters

 1) the first is whether a price is returned 1 or 0 (Defaults to 0 – std Ostendo behaviour)

 2) The second parameter returns the actual unit price (Defaults to 0 – std Ostendo behaviour)

 3) the third is whether the price is Tax Inclusive 1 or 0 (Defaults to 0 – std Ostendo behaviour)

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