Orders default to 'On Hold'

Orders default to 'On Hold'

Whenever a Sales or Job Order is created Ostendo automatically gives the Order a Status of 'On Hold'

Go into Sales Rules or Job Rules where you will see a checkbox called 'Optional Credit Blocking'.  

- If this checkbox is set then you can create additional Orders and they will also be placed ‘On Hold’.

The status of ‘On Hold’ will prevent picking or delivery

- If this is not 'checked' then Ostendo will allow you to complete the current Order but place the order ‘On Hold’ when the Credit Limit has been exceeded.

You are then NOT allowed to create additional Orders.   


Alternatively another reason why an order is automatically placed on hold is because the customers outstanding balance contains invoices with a due date older than the System Settings 'Max Debtor Days aging' threshold.

This threshold is the maximum number of days that are allowed against Debtors. When a Sales Order or Job Order is being created, or goods are being picked against existing orders and the Customer has an outstanding invoice(s) that is greater than this number of days then the order will automatically be put On Hold.  This can be varied at  a Customer level and made specific to the Customer if required by going to the Customer Detail screen and clicking on the Pricing & Invoicing Tab then pressing the Credit Control Setting button. From the Customers Credit Settings screen you can amend the threshold specific to this customer. NB: Changing the Aging Days will not automatically change the status of existing orders. You must manually change the status of those orders after you have changed the Aging Days.

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