New Firebird Version

New Firebird Version

Below is a link to download the latest recommended version of Firebird 2.5 for Ostendo

Firebird Version

To check what version you are currently running, launch Ostendo and go to Help->About and press the "Firebird Database Information" button. No need to proceed if you are already running this version.

This version of Firebird resolves a problem that we have seen within Ostendo in that sometimes an Ostendo database may increase in size dramatically in a very short period. This problem was identified as an issue with an earlier version Firebird and has been addressed in this version.

NB: If the database is already large, simply applying this upgrade will prevent further 'bloating' of the database. Therefore, it is recommended that you perform a full Firebird Validation / Backup and Restore of all Ostendo databases used on the machine immediatley prior to applying this upgrade.


Process To Upgrade:

1) Download Firebird  installation program from 

2) Ensure all Users are logged out of Ostendo and the "Ostendo Rest API" service is stopped.

3) Validate / Backup and Restore all Ostendo databases currently being used

4) Stop any other services currently connecting to the Ostendo Database(s). They include

  • Firebird Guardian Service and Firebird Server itself
  • Web Services
  • Queue Services
  • Any other program that can connect to the Database eg: IB Expert / EMS etc..

5) From Control Panel Uninstall The current Firebird version or 2.5

6) Run the new Firebird installation program (Run as "Administrator") and follow the prompts and answer the defaults as usual.

7) Re-Start all the services again (Firebird will probably be already re-started)

8) Launch Ostendo and go to Help->About and check the latest Firebird Database Information to ensure you are now running

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