On occasions you may require a global name change to occur across multiple records. eg: you may need 10 customers requiring name changes. A script may be run to read data from a spreadsheet and then process each record in turn. Attached is a Standard script along with a spreadsheet template allowing you to load multiple customers or items to change.
NB: The script can be altered to work for Suppliers etc.. The same spreadsheet template can been used, irrespective of the tables concerned.
Before running this script, it is extremely important to ensure your data is 100% correct in the spreadsheet. May sure there are now special characters and all quote marks have been converted from ' to `.
Also ensure you have a backup of the database prior to running this. Like the standard Global Name Change option, this must be run with no other users logged into Ostendo.
It is suggested that this is run in blocks of 20-30 records at a time. As this can significantly increase the database size, it is recommended that a backup and restore be done in between each batch.