24/11/2023 - Live Refresh Improvements in Freeway (Android)

24/11/2023 - Live Refresh Improvements in Freeway (Android)

Live Refresh Improvements in Freeway (Android)

In the coming days we will be releasing a new version of Freeway (for Android). This version will bring technology improvements to Freeway.

What is changing?
  • The Live Refresh functions (set in Employee Mobility Settings - Auto Sync Jobs, Purchase Orders, Deliveries, Assembly Orders) will now request the user to 'Reload Jobs etc.. from Ostendo'. These include lookups for New Jobs etc.. and Inquiries. If the user attempts to click on another Freeway option during this process, Freeway will display a message asking the user to wait.
  • Increasingly over time we will modify other lookups to behave in the same manner 
  • If Device Permissions for Camera, Location, Microphone, Phone or Photos and Videos have not been set, Freeway will now prompt the user within the app to turn on the appropriate permissions, rather than the user needing to manually set those through the device settings. 
  • Linked documents now run completely in background when actually downloading a document. If the user attempts to click on another Freeway option during this process, Freeway will display a message asking the user to wait.
  • These background changes mean that the User Interface remains active, so you can potentially touch on the back button or list whilst the background process is still running, however a message will be displayed to ask the user to wait. Previously if there was a delay in downloading data, the user could assume the app was non responsive and crash out of it or start clicking other buttons.

Why we need to make these changes:
  • Over the past months we have had a number of instances where Freeway seemingly locks up on a Live Refresh. After investigation we have concluded that in numerous occasions either the volume of data being sent to Freeway is excessive or a weak internet connection has given the Freeway User a false perception that the app has locked up or not responsive. Believing the app is not responsive can cause the user to start pressing other buttons and potentially crash out of Freeway. 

Strategies for dealing with Excessive Data:
  • Our recommendation would be to specify, either Employee Mobility order restriction conditions if not deploying orders via the assignment board.
  • Specify Order Horizon settings to restrict the volume of orders being downloaded based the Assignment Date or Required date depending upon the method of deployment. In most cases it should only be necessary to download orders that are required for a matter of days (eg: 30 days) in advance, however this may specific to each Ostendo site using Freeway. NB: If no horizon days value is set, then all orders irrespective of date are available to Freeway.
  • Consider specifying Employee Mobility 'Include Non Finished Assignments a number of Days back' rule. This will control the how far back a Freeway User can view un-finished assignments.

Strategy for dealing with weak Internet Signal:
  • If the Freeway user is moving into a location they know will have a weak internet signal, it is recommended they perform a live lookup prior to this to ensure the order data has been downloaded to the device in advance.

At this stage we will be publishing an updated Android version only, however a new IOS version will be released in the near future with these same changes.
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