Improving Performance of Opening Lists

Improving Performance of Opening Lists

As a database gets larger,  the opening List grids can take longer to load, when 'Include Closed' Orders, 'Include Updated Status'  or 'Include Fully Paid' is turned on along with Filtering and Sorting  from the Grid options. This is because in order to perform Filtering and Sorting, Ostendo needs to read all available records first. This could run into thousands of records.

In order to improve performance in this area, you should consider using the 'Dynamic Archive Days for Closed and Updated Orders, Invoices & Payments'. This setting can be found in File->System Settings->Environmental Settings (tab). The number you enter here will represent the number of days back from 'Today' to display Closed Orders,  Updated or Fully Paid transactions in the opening Grids. eg: Job Orders, Sales Order, Batch Invoicing, Payments etc..

By reducing the number of transactions based upon this setting, will potential decrease the amount of time, the Grid takes to display the data.

eg: If you only wish to display data going back no more than 3 years, then make this setting 1095 (ie: 365 * 3)

NB: The archived data is NOT removed from the database and is still available for reporting and analysis, however it will not be available to the List Grids. Remember you can always temporarily reset this setting if you need to display the required data at some point.

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