How do I use the Search and Filter facilities in Ostendo?

How do I use the Search and Filter facilities in Ostendo?

All of the main List panels throughout Ostendo have some - or all - of the following to provide a best possible viewing option to suit the end user


Displayed fields.  The displayed fields are taken from the master record to which the List applies.  The selection of which fields to display is at the users discretion.  To select the fields to display simply right mouse in the main panel and select Customize List Fields.  If this option is not displayed then the User does not have the rights (as set up via File>System Configuration) to make these changes.  On the displayed panel you can:

- Click on the Show field checkbox to display the field

- Amend the column heading by changing the content of Display Label

- Define the sort sequence of the records by going to the lower panel and dragging the field from Available Fields to Sort By

- Click the Save Button when done.


Field Position - On each List screen you can move the field position by dragging the column heading left or right to the position where you want it to appear.


Filtering and Sorting - If you check the checkbox then the displayed data is available for filtering and sorting.

- To sort the data in a selected column simply click on the column heading.  Clicking against will sort in descending order.

- Click on the black down arrow to the right of your selected column heading and you can either select the specific entries to display records containing that entry, or you can select (Custom…) to enter detailed selection criteria.


Searching - If you enter some text into the Search field and click on the binoculars Icon then all records will be interrogated and those records that contain the entered text will be displayed.    If you are entering multiple search criteria you have the option to define whether this is an And or Or condition.  This option applies to all list views and can be set up by going into File>System Configuration>System Settings and clicking on the appropriate radio button in the opening screen.   Note: If you enter multiple words enclosed in double quotes then the search will look for the combined words as they appear within the quotation marks.

Also, if the Advanced Searching option is checked in System Settings (File>System Configuration>System Settings) then, in the following screens, an additional facility is provided to search the content of all Properties linked to the master record in addition to searching the fields currently displayed in the list.

       - Assembly Order

       - Customer Assets

       - Customers

       - Descriptors

       - Items **

       - Job Orders

       - Labour Codes

       - Purchase Orders

       - Sales Orders

       - Supplier Codes

       - Warehouses

       - Inventory Availability

** Additionally the Advanced Search for Items will also address the linked Supplier records and search a Suppliers Part Number



Other Options - If you right-click on any column Heading a panel will appear that offers the following options.  Note: Some options may be greyed out because the above Filtering and Sorting checkbox has not been checked.


Sort Ascending: The current column will be sorted into ascending sequence


Sort Descending: The current column will be sorted into descending sequence


Clear Sort: This will clear the sort sequence in the current column


Group By This Field: A band will appear above the list into which the current field now resides as a box.  The data in the main panel is grouped by this selection.  If you click on the + sign in the main panel then the group will expand to show all records in the group.  Note that:

   You are not restricted to a single grouping in the top Group Box.  I.e. You can have Groups within a Group.

   You can also change the grouping sequence by simply dragging one of the Group Boxes left or right as required

   If you right mouse on a Group Box you will note that the option Group by this field now reads Remove from Grouping.  Select this to remove this Group Box and restore the details to the main panel 


Group By Box: A band will appear above the list.  You can select and drag any column heading into this area where it will now reside as a box

- If you right mouse on a Group Box you will note that the option Group by this field now reads Remove from Grouping.  Select this to remove this Group Box and restore the details to the main panel.

- If you select the Group Box again then it will not appear in the panel; however any Groupings will still be retained


Footer: A band will appear at the bottom of the display.  Under each column - if you click the right mouse - you have the option to display:

- Sum - The total of the values in the column (only if it is numeric)

- Max - The maximum value that exists in the column (only if it is numeric)

- Min - The minimum value that exists in the column (only if it is numeric)

- Ave - The Average of all the values in the column (only if it is numeric)

- Count - The Number of records in the column

- None - No value displayed


Group Footers: Similar to the above Footer but the values appear at each Group level


Remove this column: This will hide the column from the current display.  To restore the column select Field Chooser


Field Chooser: The fields displayed in the main panel are defined in the above Displayed Fields option.  Using this feature you can Hide selected fields from those on display.  When Field Chooser is selected a small panel will appear.  You can hide fields by clicking on the column header and dragging it to this panel.  Restoring the field to the display is simply the reverse of this action


Best Fit:  Selecting this will adjust the width of the selected column to that defined by the maximum width of the data entered into it, or the Column Title, whichever is the greater


Best Fit (All Columns): Performs the same function as Best Fit on all the columns in the display

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