How do I re-process a financial batch Relating to the Link Program?

How do I re-process a financial batch Relating to the Link Program?

On occasions you might need to re-process an already processed batch into the accounting system. This can occur if a copy of the Accounting system database was restored to an earlier version before the batch concerned was posted.


From within the Ostendo folder on the Host machine, go to the ACCLINK_XXX Folder (where XXX is the Ostendo Company ID). From within this folder there are two subfolders called Pending\History and Processed\History

Locate the file called '100_ZZZ.dat' (where ZZZ is the financial batch number) and delete this file from both locations.

From within Ostendo go to File->Accounting Link and select the option to 'Re-Process Old Batch File'. Select the Batch number and press 'OK'. (A Message saying 'Process Complete' will be displayed). 

Now press the Process Batch Files button to make the file ready for the Link program.

Launch the Link program and press the 'Process' button as usual. This will post all entries not already within the Accounting System.

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