How do I Prevent a User from updating a specific field?

How do I Prevent a User from updating a specific field?

You should create a Screen Data Script.  The following example prevents a User from updating the AdditionalField_1 field in the Job Order Header.  This script first obtains the Order Number and AdditionalField_1 values from the current displayed record (which is still in memory and not yet posted to the database).   It then gets the current value of AdditionalField_1 from the database.   We then state that if the current user is GENERAL and the (memory) AdditionalField_1 content is different to the Database AdditionalField_1 then return an error message and abort the update.

Therefore create a Screen Data Script with the following:

varCurrentOrder: String; CurrentAdd1: String; Addfield1: String;

begin    CurrentOrder := QueryValue('ORDERNUMBER');    Addfield1 := QueryValue('ADDITIONALFIELD_1');   CurrentAdd1 := GetStringFromTable('JOBHEADER','ADDITIONALFIELD_1','ORDERNUMBER',CurrentOrder); If (((CurrentUser = 'GENERAL') or (CurrentUser = 'JOE')) and (CurrentAdd1 <> AddField1)) then    Begin     Showmessage('You are not allowed to amend this field');     Abort;    end   else   Begin    end; end.


The next step is to go into File>System Configuration>Screen Data Script and add a record containing

Screen: Job OrdersTable

Name: Job Header

SQLType: Update

Script: The above script name


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