How do I import Supplier Catalogues?

How do I import Supplier Catalogues?

Supplier Catalogue Items can be called up in Sales Orders, Job Orders, Purchase Orders, and Purchase Invoices where the contents of the Catalogue are displayed from which the user makes selection(s).


There are two methods of importing supplier catalogues:

   Using the Ostendo Catalogue Import Wizard, or

   Creating a Script that is created via File>Custom Menu Scripts


The Catalogue Import Wizard is called up via Purchasing>Supplier Catalogues and allows you to import and maintain those Catalogues.  Additionally you have the option to hold selected Catalogue Items as Ostendo Items.  Whenever a Catalogue Item is selected against Sales, Assembly, or Purchase Order Lines and it exists as an Ostendo Item the program will display the Items current Ostendo Stock level.  The User has the option to use that stock or continue as a Catalogue Item.  If the Catalogue Item option is selected then Ostendo will create a Source On Demand record to satisfy the Order.  This Source On Demand record can be converted into a Purchase Order using the Requirements>Create Required Orders function.  It is worth noting how the Importing Function interacts with Ostendos Item Master file:

· If an Ostendo Item Master record contains a Primary Supplier that matches the Catalogue Supplier/Supplier Item Code then the imported record (shown in the Lines view - below) will have its Linked Item Code field updated to include the Ostendo Item Code

· In the Ostendo Items Pricing screen (Pricing>Item Pricing - Buy Prices tab) if a record contains a Buy Price Supplier whose Supplier Item Code and Supplier Unit matches the Catalogue Supplier, Supplier Part Number, and Unit then the imported record  (shown in the Lines view) will be updated to include the Ostendo Item Code that relates to this Item/Unit.


Importing using a Custom Script is specific to the Catalogue being imported.  The script itself is created by the end user and is specific to their importing requirements.

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