To export data from Ostendo you should go to File>Data Export. That function allows you to export data from Ostendo to either a Comma Separated Value file or an Excel Spreadsheet. The procedure uses a simple Wizard that takes you through the whole process as follows.
Step 1: Click on the appropriate ‘Radio’ button to select whether the data is to be exported to a Comma Separated Value (.csv) or a Excel Spreadsheet (.xls) file.
Step 2: Point to where the generated file will reside and give it a name. You can also specify the following conditions that will apply to that file if it a is a .csv output format:
Record Separator - select the record separator from the drop-down list
Text Qualifier - select the Text Qualifier from the drop-down list
Click the ‘Next’ button.
Step 3: Select the Table from which the data is being exported and click the ‘Next’ button
Step 4: The fields in the selected table will be displayed. They are all pre-selected for output. You have the option to:
- Select specific fields by checking or unchecking the checkbox adjacent to each field
- You can alter the sequence in which they are output by dragging and dropping the field into the required position
- Click the ‘Next’ button.
Step 5: Define the format of the fields in the Exported File. This allows the export routine to convert it from the current Ostendo settings (defined in the Regional Settings of your computer) to that required in the exported file.
Step 6: This screen confirms your settings. Ensure that all the settings are correct then click the ‘Execute’ button to perform the export.