How do I create email Text to support emailed documents?

How do I create email Text to support emailed documents?

Go into File>Reporting Configuration>Specific Email Text and Add a new record.  Select the area that is covered by this email.  Two extra fields will now contain the specific Text.  These are the Header and Main Body of the email.  These fields can be plain text or can include fields from the database relevant to the document being sent. 


For example: If a Purchase Order was to be emailed as an attachment to an Email then the available database fields for placing in this Text will come from the Purchase Order Print Layout.  To view the fields that are available to a Purchase Order carry out the following:


· Click on File>Reporting Configuration>Report Layout Editor
· Copy the specific report (in this example “Purchase Order”) to your 'Company'.  Note: You can delete this once you have reviewed the available fields
· Edit the report to bring up the Report Layout
· Select Report on the top toolbar and select Variables
· Scroll until you see dataset MD_
· All the fields under that dataset are available for inclusion in the Email


Now, if a Purchase Order PO34567 had been created in Ostendo and you want the Purchase Order Number to appear in the Emails Subject Line then the format would be


                Purchase Order ["ORDERNUMBER"] is attached for your attention


Upon sending the Email the Subject Line in the Email would appear as:


               Purchase Order PO34567 is attached for your attention



1.  The format of the field in the Subject Line is always ["FIELDNAME"] where FIELDNAME is the name defined in the specific dataset.

2.  The available Forms all have their own MD_ dataset

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