How do I carry out a Cost Roll-Up?
Cost Roll-ups are used to determine the cost of all Assembled Items by using the components required to make it plus Labour and other costs to put the components together.
To carry out a Cost Roll-up go into Assembly>Standard Cost Rollup and click on the ‘OK’ Button. Ostendo will carry out the Cost Roll-up and return the results to the screen. On that screen you will see that the system calculated value is displayed in ‘Rolled Up Cost’ field. It is also shown in field ‘New Std Cost’ where it can be amended if required. It is the value in this field that will be used to update the Standard Cost of this Item.
Having agreed with the Calculated/Amended Standard Cost ‘check’ the checkbox to the left of the line and click the ‘Update Standard Costs for selected Lines‘ button.
If you go into Pricing>Item Costing and select the Item that you have just updated and click on the ‘Detail’ tab. You will see that the record’s Standard Cost field has been updated and a history record created
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