Health & Safety Module

Health & Safety Module

(The instructions below are included in the attachment) 

To download the instructions on how to install this module, please use the following link:


The main areas covered by this new module are: 

      • Employee
      • Date and Time of treatment
      • Who carried out the treatment
      • What the Injury was
      • What treatment was carried out

First Aid Register

Maintains a record of all minor first aid activities. 

Click the following link for an example screen shot:


Incident Register

Maintains records of incidents that could give rise to Injury, recognition of Hazardous situations, etc. The Incident itself may be investigated in detail using the Incident Investigation function. This could also result in a Serious Harm Form being raised.

Click the following link for an example screen shot:


Incident Investigation

An Incident Registration usually results in an Investigation. This routine allocates Activities to a Co-ordinator, monitors the Investigation process and retains all information gathered from the Investigation.

Click the following link for an example screen shot:


Hazard Register

This records Hazards and highlights significant Hazards. This feature records the Hazard and highlights controls that must be put in place to minimise the Hazard. A person can be made responsible for seeing that the minimisation activities are carried out.

Click the following link for an example screen shot:


Serious Harm Register

Serious Harm covers any conditions that amounts to or results in permanent loss of bodily function, or temporary severe loss of bodily function: respiratory disease, noise-induced hearing loss, neurological disease, cancer, dermatological disease, communicable disease, musculoskeletal disease, illness caused by exposure to infected material, decompression sickness, poisoning, vision impairment, chemical or hot-metal burn of eye, penetrating wound of eye, bone fracture, laceration, crushing. Full in-depth details are maintained and are normally a mandatory Government requirement.

Click the following link for an example screen shot:


Safety Equipment Register

This allows you to record all Safety Equipment and create a schedule of planned activities to maintain this equipment. Upon carrying out maintenance the action is recorded against each Item of equipment.

Click the following link for an example screen shot:



Health and Safety Installation Instructions

The Health and Safety suite includes

·        First Aid Register: Records day-to-day First aid treatments

·        Incident Register: Records incidents that could give rise to Injury 

·        Incident Investigation: Monitors an Incident Investigation process 

·        Hazard Register: Records Hazards and including highlighting significant Hazards. 

·        Serious Harm Register: Covers conditions that amount to or results in Serious Harm 

·        Safety Equipment Register: Records all Safety Equipment and create a schedule of maintenance activities 

Each Solution contains the following elements:

·        User-Defined Table: Stored in Ostendo as OSTDEF_TableName

·        Edit View: Report and View Developer View with Style 'Edit View' 

·        Supporting Script: Script Style 'Edit View' 

·        Reports and Views: Normal Report and View Developer Reports and Views 


Please download the and unzip the contents into a temporary folder. The Zip file link is as follows:

Note: When un-zipped, individual folders for the 6 Health and Safety screens will be created. Please select files from these folders when following the below instructions.

As the Health and Safety suite includes inter-related functionality then they must be installed in the following manner

1. User-Defined Tables

Go into File>System Configuration>User defined Tables and click on the 'Import' button to import each of the above Tables: I.e.

OSTDEF_FIRSTAID.dat (In the ‘First Aid Register’ Folder)

OSTDEF_HAZARDREGISTER.dat (In the ‘Hazard Register’ Folder)

OSTDEF_INVESTIGATION.dat (In the ‘Incident Investigation’ Folder)

OSTDEF_INCIDENTREGISTER.dat (In the ‘Incident Register’ Folder)

OSTDEF_SAFETYEQUIPMENT.dat (In the ‘Safety Equipment’ Folder)

OSTDEF_SAFETYEQUIPCHECK.dat (In the ‘Safety Equipment’ Folder)

OSTDEF_SERIOUSHARMLOG.dat (In the ‘Serious Harm Register’ Folder)

2. Edit View and Scripts


Go into File>Reporting Configuration>Report and View Developer and Import the following Edit Views. You have the option to also import a linked script to this edit view at the same time. Here are the Edit Views and their associated Scripts (Each of these files are in their appropriate folders)

            Edit View                              Script

First Aid.dat                                    FirstAid.txt

Hazard Register.dat                          HazardRegister.txt

Incident Investigation.dat                  IncidentRegister.txt

Incident Register.dat                         IncidentInvestigation.txt

Safety Equipment.dat                       SafetyEquipment.txt

Serious Harm Register.dat                SeriousHarm.txt


3. Reports and Views


Whilst you are still in the Report and View Developer you should also import the following Views and Reports. For Reports you have the option to also import a linked .fr3 Report Layout at the same time.  Here are the Reports and Views and their associated .fr3


Master Query                                               .fr3 Report

First Aid Register Folder

Analysis - First Aid Register.dat

Employee Incident Details.dat                     Employee Incident Details.fr3

Incident List By Date.dat                            Incident List By Date.fr3

Individual Report.dat                                  Individual Report.fr3


Hazard Register Folder

Analysis - Hazard Register.dat

Hazard Detail.dat                                      Hazard Detail.fr3

Hazard Listing.dat                                     Hazard Listing.fr3

Hazard Notification Form.dat                       Hazard Notification Form.fr3


Incident Investigation Folder

Analysis - Incident Investigation.dat

Incident Investigation Detail.dat                    Incident Investigation Detail.fr3

Incident Investigation Listing.dat                  Incident Investigation Listing.fr3

Investigation Form.dat                                 Investigation Form.fr3


Incident Register Folder

Analysis - Incident Register.dat

Incident Detail.dat                                          Incident Detail.fr3

Incident Form.dat                                          Incident Form.fr3

Incident Listing.dat                                        Incident Listing.fr3


Safety Equipment Folder

Analysis - Safety Equipment.dat

Safety Equipment Listing.dat                       Safety Equipment Listing.fr3

Safety Equipment Sheet.dat                        Safety Equipment Sheet.fr3


Serious Harm Register Folder

Analysis - Serious Harm Register.dat

Serious Harm Detail.dat                              Serious Harm Detail.fr3

Serious Harm Listing.dat                             Serious Harm Listing.fr3

Serious Harm Worksheet.dat                      Serious Harm Worksheet.fr3


4. User Defined Menus


By default the above will appear under Custom>Edit Views.  If you wish to change the location of this then go to File>System Configuration>User Defined Menus and enter the relevant requirements.  In this example we have placed them under 'General' with a sub Menu called 'Health and Safety'


Custom Menu Name                      Menu Category       Sub Menu Name

First Aid                                             General                      Health and Safety

Incident Register                                 General                      Health and Safety

Incident Investigation                          General                      Health and Safety

Hazard Register                                  General                      Health and Safety

Serious Harm Register                         General                      Health and Safety

Safety Equipment                                General                      Health and Safety


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