Global Name Change - Customer/Supplier etc with a blank name
In versions of Ostendo (Up to and including Update 160) you were able to inadvertently change a key field (eg: Customer or Supplier name) to a blank through the Global Name Change. This of course becomes a big problem and needs fixing ASAP. In order to fix this, create a Standard Script and paste the coding below into it, substituting the NewCode variable with that of the value you wish to use and changing the table SUPPLIERMASTER to the appropriate table for your data (eg: CUSTOMERMASTER).
Later versions of Ostendo now prevent you from changing a key field to a blank.
TheOldCode: string;
TheNewCode: string;
TheOldCode := '';
TheNewCode := 'Electrical Power Company';
ExecuteSQL('Execute procedure GLOBALNAME_TRIGGERS_OFF (''SUPPLIERMASTER'',''' + TheOldCode + ''',''' + TheNewCode + ''')');
ExecuteSQL('Execute procedure GLOBALFIELDNAME_CHANGE (''SUPPLIERMASTER'',''' + TheOldCode + ''',''' + TheNewCode + ''')');
ExecuteSQL('Execute procedure GLOBALNAME_TRIGGERS_ON (''SUPPLIERMASTER'',''' + TheOldCode + ''',''' + TheNewCode + ''')');
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