Changing or Transferring Ostendo onto a new Server

Changing or Transferring Ostendo onto a new Server

If a site requires a new server to be installed which will result in the loss of Ostendo, perform the following checks and tasks to ensure a straight forward transfer....


  1. It is suggested that the new Server has the same name as the old server otherwise all client installations need to be redone
  2. Fresh Ostendo install (and upgrade if necessary) to the version of the previous installation on the old server
  3. Share this folder as usual to enable client machines to access it
  4. If the database resides on the old server in a folder other than the Std Ostendo folder, ensure you move this to the same path location on the new server.
  5. Test Ostendo on server to ensure all working
  6. Copy across the Ostendo folder contents from the old server to the new server
  7. If same Server name was used, simply test all client machines and new server for Ostendo access. Also check all custom forms are working
  8. If different Server name, then uninstall Ostendo from all client machines and reinstall as usual
  9. Test client machines for Ostendo access
  10. If the Ostendo API had been previously setup, ensure it is stopped on the old server and re-installed and started on the new server
  11. If Queue and/or Web service had been previously setup on the old server, ensure it is setup again and working on the new server
  12. If there were any Windows Tasks scheduled via the scheduler relating to Ostendo, ensure they are re-setup on the new server
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