Batch Emails going into Outlook Drafts folder

Batch Emails going into Outlook Drafts folder

We have had some reports recently about Emails resulting from Batch Invoicing and Batch Stmt printing going straight to the Drafts box in Outlook rather than being sent. This seems to have resulted at some point from either a Windows or Office update rather than Ostendo.

One of our Partners had put together a comprehensive white paper describing the process they went thru with a number of their clients in order to resolve this. There can also be other factors involved here (eg: Antivirus software excluding Outlook interaction) that can cause this situation to occur, however we suggest that you also follow the steps in the attached document to try and resolve this issue

In summary you should check the following:

1) That your Antivirus software is not affecting this

2) Ensure that the Ostendo Client was installed using the "ClientInstall.exe" (Run as Administrator) located in the Ostendo\Client\ folder, rather than simply using a shortcut. This formal setup process copies the secman.dll and registers it correctly, whereas simply creating a desktop shortcut will bypass this step potentially resulting in this problem.

3) Amend Office 365 settings to allow for SMTP where necessary

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