7/03/2024 - Update to MYOB AccountRight Cloud Integration Problem - Now Resolved

7/03/2024 - Update to MYOB AccountRight Cloud Integration Problem - Now Resolved

Update to MYOB AccountRight Cloud Integration Problem - Now Resolved

Further to the article sent out this morning advising a connection issue with MYOB AccountRight Cloud and Ostendo, we are happy to inform you that we have now resolved this issue.

In the absence of a solution from MYOB, we have now modified our Accounting Integration Script to connect and authenticate to MYOB A/R Cloud in a slightly different manner. Our own investigations show that it appears MYOB may have changed something around their Authentication process. We have modified our Accounting Link script to accommodate this therefore allowing us to get around the current problem.

In order to resolve this at each Ostendo site, we would ask you to follow the steps below:
(NB: This only applies to sites integrating to MYOB AccountRight - Cloud)
  1. From the General Settings Screen (File -> Financial Configuration -> General Ledger Settings) press the 'Update' button to download and install the latest script version 3.60
  2. Once the script has been loaded, then press the 'Connect' button to check the connection is working.
  3. If it does not Connect, then please press the 'Setup' button to re-establish the link. (NB: You will need the MYOB Login Username and password for this process)