7/03/2024 - MYOB AccountRight Cloud Integrations - Invalid Refresh Token message

7/03/2024 - MYOB AccountRight Cloud Integrations - Invalid Refresh Token message

MYOB AccountRight Cloud Integrations - Invalid Refresh Token message

Over the last 24 hours we have had reports of Ostendo unable to communicate with MYOB AccountRight Live - Cloud environments. 

At this stage MYOB AccountRight Live - Desktop environments are not affected.

The issue seems to have started on Tuesday 5/3/2024 around 7:30pm NZ time.

We have raised this as a 'Critical' issue with MYOB as it appears to be something that has occurred from their environment. There have been no recent changes in Ostendo to contribute to this issue, therefore we can only rely on MYOB to provide some explanation and resolution.

Rest assured we are actively communicating with MYOB to ensure there is a rapid resolution of this problem.

We will publish further communications to you once we have more details from MYOB.