Process for Decreasing Ostendo User Licences (Where API Licence is Active) There have been a number of instances recently where some Ostendo sites may want to reduce their Local licences by removing an existing Technology Licence (API Licence) that may have been configured previously but is no longer required. This document explains the process in full:
Before we describe this process, let's explain the terminology
Local Licence: This is the User Licence provided by Development-X annually upon renewal. It is provided as a file with an extension of ".OLF". This licence controls the number of concurrent Ostendo connections to the database at any one time. (File -> System Configuration -> Licence Key)
Mobility Licence: This licence is provided Free of Charge to sites annually and is only required to be applied if the site is utilising Freeway. It is provided as a file with an extension of ".FLF". (Mobility -> Settings -> Mobility Rules)
Technology (API Licence): Essentially this licence consumes 'one' Local Licence. Sites using Freeway would apply a Mobility Licence and also utilise one Local Licence for the API Service. Therefore if you remove the API Licence and remove the corresponding API Service, Freeway and / or any third part connection using the API will be disconnected.
Special Note On The API Licence: It is possible for a site to utilise an API Licence without using Freeway. An example of this is where a 'third party app' (eg: Power BI) connects to the database using the Ostendo API Service.
It is also possible for a site to use the API for both Freeway as well as a 'third party app' (Remember only one local licence is consumed in total for the API Service)
Unique API Licence Keys are generated and used for each API Security record. ie: one API Security record (API key) for Freeway and one for each 'third party app' if required (File -> API Configuration -> API Security) Process for Decreasing User Licences where the API License is Active (As shown in the Active Connections screen)
1) Ensure all physical users are logged out of Ostendo
2) From the Server where the API Service is Installed, launch Ostendo and Run as Administrator (right click on icon and select Run as Administrator)
3) Check whether an API Licence is Active by reviewing the Active Connections Screen 4) If the API Licence Active indicator is NOT shown, that simply means there are no API Security records, but does not indicate whether the API service is installed or not. Go to Step 6
5) If the API Licence Active indicator IS shown now confirm whether the API Service has been installed. Refer Step 6.
6) Go to API Service configuration (File -> API Service -> API Configuration) and, check the API Service Status. If the Status shows "Not Installed" proceed to Step 8, otherwise drop down the API Service option and Select 'Stop' to Stop the Service. (NB: This may also be done from the Windows Services screen after selecting the "Ostendo Rest API service" 7) From within the same screen drop down the API Service option again and select "Uninstall". This will Uninstall the API Service
8) Take note of the Service Port (HTTP) or HTTPS port. If HTTPS was in use also take note of the Security Certificate names. (This information will be required later) 9) Go to API Configuration -> API Security and delete all API Security records. (Existence of any API Security records determines the status of API Licence indicator in Active Connections screen)
10) Log out of Ostendo
11) Check the Ostendo Rest API Service is not shown in the Windows Service screen. This will confirm the service has in fact been removed.
12) Log back into Ostendo and go to Active Connections to check the API Licence indicator is blank
13) Go to File -> System Configuration -> Licence Key to apply a new Local Licence if required.
14) Go to Windows Inbound / Outbound Exceptions and remove the relevant port exception rules relating to the ports previously noted down in Step 8.
15) If Remote access to Freeway had been in use, advise the IT Provider they can remove the appropriate Router Port Forwarding rule to the Port number previously noted down in Step 8.
16) If HTTPS was in use, advise the IT Provider that this certificate (noted down in Step 8) is no longer in use.