This article
explains how data volumes can influence performance and user
experience. Apart from technical Firebird Database settings,
Configuration settings within Ostendo can also affect performance. As
sites run Ostendo and Freeway over time, data volumes should be
managed. Whilst initially a site may have not experienced performance
issues in the early days of an implementation, as time goes on, their
data volumes should be monitored and configuration settings
potentially amended to suit their environment.
- Symptom:
- List Grids Slow to load
(Orders, Payments, Batch Invoicing): Large volumes of
Closed Orders, Fully Applied Payments and Fully Paid Invoices
can affect the speed Ostendo takes to load the Grid when Grid
options Filtering & Sorting and "Included
Closed", etc.. are selected by the user on a List Grid. It
should be noted, when Filtering and Sorting is turned on,
Ostendo has to load 'all' relevant records into memory (not
just one screen full) before it can display the Grid.
- Slow search results from a List Grid
- Recommendation:
- If a site experiences this, we suggest you
consider turning on Dynamic Archive Days (File->System Settings->Environment
Settings Tab). This parameter (No of days) filters
out Closed Orders, Fully Applied Payments and Fully Paid
Invoices older than 'today' less the Dynamic Archive Days
setting. The number of days you specify may well be different
from site to site. There is no 'one fits
all approach'. Typically though most don't
need to refer to closed transactions older than 2 years. You
should note, this doesn't actually remove data, but
filters it out for everyday operations. Data is still available
for reporting purposes.
- Consider each Users Grid Option settings:
- Save List Filter
Conditions and Auto Activate Filtering & Sorting: These
settings are retained when a user turns on Filtering and
Sorting. If these features are NOT selected the screen is not
filtered and the response will be quicker. These user
settings are found under (File->System Configuration->User
Security & Options->Options Tab-> Grid Options)
- Consider amending the status of records,
which can influence the load speed of a Grid. eg: You may have
5000 items, however only a small number are ever used. Consider
marking un-necessary items as Obsolete. Same goes for
Customers, Suppliers, Descriptors etc being marked as InActive
if no longer in use.
- Review each user Grid Customisations. Do
they really need to show all the fields they have set?.
Remember, the more data to be shown the slower the screen will
take to load into memory.
- Check whether Advanced searching is turned
on (File->System
Configuration->System Settings->Environment Settings tab). This form of
searching allows a deeper search of data. This is extremely
useful in some environments however can cause the searching to
slow down and produce numerous search results. Consider turning
this off only if it is not required by the site.
- Symptom:
- Slow Screen Load when
launching an Ostendo option
- Recommendation:
- Check if Activate Screen Logging is turned
on (File->System
Configuration->System Settings-Environment Settings tab). This function is
useful to determine what screens / reports etc.. each user
launches. If this function is turned on, each time they access
a screen, report, workflow etc, a record is written to the
SCREENLOGGING table. This information can be helpful when a
site is being implemented, however can cause an overhead on the
system if left on. It is suggested that this table is purged of
unnecessary records periodically if this feature is in use. A
simple SQL statement can be used for this.
- Check if Audit Logging is turned on (File->System Configuration->Audit
Logging). If this is in use, each time a field
value is potentially Inserted, Updated or Deleted, Ostendo will
write a record to the AUDITLOGGING table. If this is in use,
ensure that it is still required and consider purging
unnecessary records periodically.
- Check if Notification Logging is turned on (File->System
Configuration->Notification Logging). If this is in
use, each time a field value is potentially Inserted, Updated
or Deleted, Ostendo will write a record to the
NOTIFICATIONLOGGING table. If this is in use, ensure that
it is still required and consider purging unnecessary records
- Symptom:
- General performance and
occasional Deadlock Conflicts may occur
- Recommendation:
- When a financial transaction is written to
the Financial tables in Ostendo, Journal records are also
written to the Journal tables. These journals are used to post
to modern Accounting Software (eg: Xero, MYOB Live etc..)
Journal record volumes can quickly become huge, and affect
performance and also contribute to Deadlock Conflicts on some
occasions. Therefore we recommend that regular Archiving
Journal Data be periodically performed. This download link
has all the necessary information to set this up and maintain
these tables.
- If the general performance of a screen
becomes an issue, we recommend you investigate any Custom
Scripts: (specifically, Screen Data Scripts). These can affect
performance or even generate database messages if badly
written. (File->Scripting
Configuration->Screen Data Scripts)
- Custom Triggers or Procedures within a
Database can also dramatically affect performance and behaviour
of a database. These are not so easy to find but can generally
be found by connecting a copy of the database to a third party
utility eg: IB Expert. If you are unsure of this, it is
suggested you contact a Developer Partner for assistance to
determine if any custom Triggers or Store
Procedure exist in the database.
- Symptom:
- Slow generation of the
Inventory Replenishment routine: This routine is a
complex routine in itself and therefore must determine data
from multiple sources within the database. Therefore it can
genuinely take sometime to generate, especially, if you are
including the 'Multi-Level' Explosion' option.
- Recommendation:
- Unless explicitly required, we recommend the
Replenishment Horizon be set to 'Weekly' rather than 'Daily'.
This achieves the same results, however the Projected
requirements are summarised in Weeks rather than by Day.
Because of this there is less data involved when generating the
Replenishment. (Requirements->Settings->
Requirement Rules)
- Consider reducing the Replenishment Horizon,
as this will also influence the volumes of Projected
Requirements records for each item. (Of course in some
environments, this may not be practical).
- Symptom:
- Assignment Board slow to
load: The Assignment Board is loaded based upon
the Assignment Profile. (Requirements->Assignment Profiles). That profile
allows you to control the following:
- Recommendation
- These settings can potentially affect
- Horizon - Days Back
(recommended no more than 30 days)
- Horizon - Days
Forward (recommended no more than 30 days)
- Auto Refresh Rate
(set this as high as practical)
- Check for Warning
on Load (consider leaving this turned off and allowing the
user to manually run this from the Assignment Board if / when
- Conditioning of
Data (eg: Include / Exclude Departments / Employees
etc..) Consider limiting the volumes of Employees or
Departments etc.. maybe create one Assignment Board Profile
for each Department.
- Symptom:
- Slow launch of an Inquiry,
Pivot, Analysis View or running a report: Check the Queries
specified in the Report & View Developer for the Inquiry,
Report etc.. concerned.
- Recommendation
- Ensure each query is only calling the fields
it needs to call. Typically when people write queries for
reports etc, they select all fields, and end up only using
a few. The less fields to be returned in a query will always be
the most efficient.
- Symptom:
- Freeway slow to synchronise: Primarily the
speed of this is controlled either by the Internet connection
or by the volume of data.
- Recommendation
- The quality of internet connection is out of
our control, however there are things you maybe able to do to
ensure only the relevant data is sent to Freeway. These include
reviewing the following:
- If a Company Logo
has been specified against the System Settings, that logo will
always be sent to the device (even if it is not used on any
Freeway Reports). Ensure this logo is no more that 25 Kb in
size (Optimal Size is 25Kb however if the image is greater
than 100kb the image will be excluded from Freeway)
- Employee Mobility Settings:
- Ensure only
relevant Selections are set for each Employee (eg: Jobs,
Customer, Suppliers etc..)
- Avoid using a
selection range 'All Open 'Jobs', 'Assemblies'
or 'Deliveries' unless there are small data volumes or
this is the most practical manner of deploying work to
Freeway (ie: rather than using the Assignment Board). Think
of how many records maybe returned if you specify this
without a Restriction Condition.
- Make use of
Restriction Conditions to limit the volumes of records being
sent to the device.
- Consider how many
Items and Descriptors are in the sites database. We recommend
using either a Restricted Materials List, or an Items
Restriction Condition if possible. NB: Obsolete Items and
InActive Descriptors are never sent to Freeway by default.
- Check Job,
Assemblies and Delivery Horizon days settings are not
set too far forward for the employee
- Check Mobility
Rules setting Assigned Transfer Horizon Days is not set too
far forward for the site.
- Check The number of days forward to display
ToDo activities setting is
relevant to the employee
- Check Job,
Assemblies and Delivery Include Non-Finished Assignment a number of days
back setting is relevant to the employee
- If using Stock
Counts in Freeway, ensure the following Mobility rules are
not set too high. (Blank values = 50. A maximum of 200
is allowed however in some environments this should be left
as 50 or blank)
- No. of Remaining Count Lines to Display
- No. of Counted Count Lines to Display
- Backgrounds & Buttons: Ensure no images
are loaded against the Employee that are greater than 25Kb in
size. (Optimal Size is 25Kb however if the image is
greater than 100kb the image will be excluded from Freeway)
- If Mobility Images
(Descriptor or Item) are used, ensure no image is greater
than 25Kb in size. (Optimal Size is 25Kb however if the
image is greater than 100kb the image will be excluded from
As you can see there are numerous settings within Ostendo that can
affect performance. Our recommendation would be to regularly review
these for each site to ensure current configuration settings are
still applicable to that site and their data volumes.