25/09/2024 - New Microsoft Outlook

25/09/2024 - New Microsoft Outlook

New Microsoft Outlook

Over the recent months we have received queries from Partners regarding the "New Outlook" on offer from Microsoft. Some existing Outlook applications show a new button (top right hand corner of screen)


Microsoft initially released this "trial" to all Outlook users to 'Try For Themselves'. It was not intended to replace the classic Outlook that is widely used.

However, In the last month or so, Microsoft have started including the 'New Outlook" version as a default email application on new PCs. 

It should be noted, the "New Outlook" is not compatible with Ostendo, or for that matter many other applications that integrate with the current classic Outlook using COM automation. Microsoft's COM-based component software architecture allows their applications to expose internal functions as COM objects. In Ostendo's case we interact using the COM component for the purposes of emailing out reports (invoices etc..)

Because the New Outlook application is a "Cross Platform" product it will never support COM, hence this version will not work with Ostendo at present as it does with classic Outlook.

Microsoft has recognised that globally, software developers cannot simply re-write applications to time with their release of New Outlook, therefore Microsoft have signalled to developers they have up to 5 years to modify their applications to enable integration to the New Outlook.

Key Points to Note:

  • Ostendo Release Update 243 will NOT use Outlook (or any external email application) to send Reports (Invoices etc..) from Ostendo. Emailing of Reports will be handled instead by a new in-built email capability.
  • Those sites that continue to run Update 242 should only be using the classic Outlook application.
  • Sites using the Outlook Add In for the Operations Centre must retain classic Outlook for the near future.
  • Users that switch to the New Outlook can switch back to Classic Outlook. Click here for more information https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/run-new-outlook-and-classic-outlook-side-by-side-a624c36d-c50f-43bc-9c8b-dd17b5690ffb

Finally, it should be noted there has been mixed feedback from Microsoft users about the functionality and usability of the New Outlook. There are numerous posts on the Microsoft website describing users thoughts. No doubt there will be more development of this product by Microsoft in the coming months.


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