20/03/2022 - Crediting POS Invoices from Batch Invoicing (Minor Update 113 Update 242)
Crediting POS Invoices from Batch Invoicing (Minor Update 113 Update 242)
On occasions there can be instances where a POS originating invoice requires a full or partial credit back through Batch Invoicing. Currently all POS Invoices must be credited back via POS. This is because a credit raised from Batch Invoicing will NOT affect the POS Day End reconciliation. However there are some circumstances where an invoice may have been created via POS as an On Account type transaction. This could be relevant where field staff come in and purchase multiple items on a POS On Account invoice, then later return unused stock. Neither of these situations will affect the Day End reconciliation.
To allow the credit of a POS Invoice from the Batch Invoicing screen, firstly a Related Script must be created. This script 'MUST' include adequate security protection to control this business process ensuring only relevant POS transactions can be credited in this manner by approved staff.
Apart from the scripts security logic, the Related Script is required to simply update the SalesInvoiceGrouping.GroupOrderType field of that invoice number from 'POS' to 'Direct Invoice' (Ensure the SalesInvoiceGrouping.OrderNumber field value remains unchanged as this is used later by Ostendo)
Once the GroupOrderType field value has been changed to 'Direct Invoice' you will be free to credit that invoice just as you would a Direct Invoice. After Ostendo has generated the Credit Note against this invoice, Ostendo (not the script) will automatically reset the SalesInvoiceGrouping.GroupOrderType field value back to 'POS' to maintain integrity within the database.
If you require assistance in creating such a script, we suggest you contact a Developer Partner.
IMPORTANT: Care must be taken if you intend to use this new feature as the credit will NOT affect the POS Day End which could result in an imbalance between takings and POS Invoicing if the original POS invoice was paid at the time the invoice was created and the credit is created prior to the POS Day End process being completed. |
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