12/11/2021 - MYOB Interim Compatibility Statement for Server 2022, Windows 11 & Office 2021

12/11/2021 - MYOB Interim Compatibility Statement for Server 2022, Windows 11 & Office 2021

MYOB Interim Compatibility Statement for Server 2022, Windows 11 & Office 2021

Recently MYOB released this Article.
Please ensure any sites using MYOB are aware of this.

Article Link: https://help.myob.com/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=68715574

"The purpose of this Interim Compatibility Statement is to let you know about the MYOB products that have been tested and any known issues discovered, so you can make an informed decision whether to install Windows Server 2022 or upgrade to Windows 11 and or Office 2021.
As part of our environment compatibility process, we will test and evaluate the use of Windows Server 2022Windows 11 & Office 2021 with the latest versions of MYOB products.
At this stage, Server 2022, Windows 11, and or Office 2021 is not supported for all MYOB products and should not be installed on environments where MYOB is also installed.
We're working on an ETA for the compatibility and will keep this KB updated as the testing progresses."
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